Bridgeland System Conversion – 9/27/2021

September 24, 2021 9:56 am

Update: September 28, 2021

Please be advised, due to unexpected field issues the conversion has been pushed back. More details and a date for reschedule is currently underway. Thank you for your patience! Should you have any questions, please call Inframark at (281) 579 4500.

Dear Harris County MUD #419 & 489 Resident,

The Harris County MUD 418 public water system, (PWS) ID 1013329, will be converting four sections of Harris County MUD #489 served by Water Plant #1 to Water Plant #2. Please be advised, Water Plant #1 utilizes a combination of groundwater and surface water, while Water Plant #2 operates off groundwater only.

The main difference between the two sources is the required disinfectant. Surface water requires chloramines (a mix of chlorine and ammonia), while groundwater calls for free chlorine. Public water systems are required to properly disinfect their water and maintain an adequate disinfectant residual in the distribution system. Free chlorine is widely used as a disinfectant because it persists for long periods, while also limiting the formation of disinfection by-product contaminants.

The conversion will take place on Monday, September 27, 2021, and is meant to provide relief on the demand at Water Plant #1. During this period, you may experience taste and odor changes associated with this type of disinfectant conversion that will resolve within two weeks.

The sections that will be affected include:

  • Mission Tejas
  • Enchanted Rock
  • McKinney Falls
  • Goose Island

Please see attached map with the affected area highlighted in yellow. Additionally, Water Plant #1 service area is highlighted in blue, and Water Plant #2 service area is highlighted in green.

Please reach out to Inframark’s Customer Service at (281) 579-4500, should you have any questions or concerns.

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