Water Treatment Plant Update: Resolving Hydropneumatic Tank Issues in Bridgeland

November 15, 2023 4:40 am

Bridgeland Resident,

During the evening of Tuesday, November 14, 2023, Inframark responded to an alert at Water Treatment Plant No. 1 (WTP1) of Harris County Municipal District No. 418 (HCMUD418). The technician found a faulty level probe on Hydropnuematic tank No. 1 (HPT1). Hydropneumatic tanks are filled with 50% water and 50% air to act as a “shock absorber” and regulate system pressure. The level probe monitors the amount of water and air inside the tank, and the tank will fill with air or water depending on the volume.

The level probe for HPT1 is scheduled to be replaced today (November, 15, 2023). To resolve the issue yesterday, the plant operations were switched from HPT1 to HPT2. When demand was placed on HPT2, the tank became “waterlogged”. This occurs when the water-to-air ratio is not at the recommended split. The tank fills with water, which depletes the air blanket needed to absorb the shock of pressure and consequently creates a pressure spike.

Both aforementioned issues with the HPTs will be corrected today. In the meantime, the plant is being operated manually to control pressure levels. We appreciate your patience.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mackenzie Osborne directly via email at Mackenzie.osborne@inframark.com.

Thank you,

Harris County MUD No. 418

Harris County MUD No. 419

Harris County MUD No. 489

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